Sunday, February 21, 2010


The last two days have been really nice with sun and blue skies. When the sun is out, I want to be out also, so my person put hooked up my collar and leash and let me out to roam on the patio. I have to say that I don't really mind my leash. When we go for a walk, I get to lead, and since I'm happy to sniff and roll on the concrete, being tethered isn't so bad. After I came back in my person left the back door open, with only the screen to keep me in. Okay. I'm used to that too. But after a couple hours she decided to close the door because it was chilly. I guess she doesn't think 55 degrees is warm.

Well, even though the back door closed, I discovered the bedroom window was open. It didn't take much effort to push the screen out of the window frame and let myself outdoors. Ahhh....freedom. What I saw and did...well, what happens outdoors stays outdoors. I'll just say that getting back in the window wasn't an option since the screen has popped back against the window, so I had to make do with coming to the backdoor where my person immediately wanted to know how I'd gotten out. It only took a few seconds to remember she'd left the window open. With my luck, she'll never do that again.

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