Saturday, August 18, 2007

Cat People Everywhere!

I'm an only cat. I'm not sure I'd like to share my person's affections, but I am interested in other cats. Unfortunately, I don't get to meet many. The next best thing is cat people; people who live with cats. Today three of these people came for dinner. The woman likes me a lot. I don't think her two cats pay her much attention. The older man talks to me with an accent, and makes clicking noises. He's nice, but doesn't try to hold me the way the woman does. They live with two cats. Two girl cats. The other man lives with a cat who loves his person. I head him talking to my person and both were complaining about the amount of shedding we cats do. I don't know why this is such a problem. I have fur, I will shed. Get over it already!

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