Monday, August 27, 2007

Unahppily Leashed

My person and I are back at our first home. It's a nice place. I have things to climb, and it's a lot of fun using the dining room table as a springboard to the kitchen counter. I'm not supposed to do that, but.... The worst part about being back home is that I can't go outside without my leash. The leash is something I've learned to tolerate over the last few years, but after hanging out at my second home, where there's room to roam and lots of interesting smells, being confined to the back deck by my leash is really boring. My person understands this. She brought me a special treat today...catnip pizza! http/

Monday, August 20, 2007

I Want What I Want, When I Want It!

They won't let me outside today. I am not a happy cat. You'd think they would know that. I started out asking politely, but that didn't get the job done. Then I started using my outraged voice. No luck. Pleading didn't work either. Now they're getting the silent snub. Maybe that will do the trick!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Cat People Everywhere!

I'm an only cat. I'm not sure I'd like to share my person's affections, but I am interested in other cats. Unfortunately, I don't get to meet many. The next best thing is cat people; people who live with cats. Today three of these people came for dinner. The woman likes me a lot. I don't think her two cats pay her much attention. The older man talks to me with an accent, and makes clicking noises. He's nice, but doesn't try to hold me the way the woman does. They live with two cats. Two girl cats. The other man lives with a cat who loves his person. I head him talking to my person and both were complaining about the amount of shedding we cats do. I don't know why this is such a problem. I have fur, I will shed. Get over it already!

Monday, August 13, 2007

It was a great weekend!

I get to travel. Oh joy. I have a crate, and I really hate to be in it. Usually it means a trip to the dreaded vet, or a long car ride. I hate riding in the car! Sometimes it means a trip in the big rolly thing my person's parents call a motorhome. That's pretty cool. It's my 3rd home, you see. The first is where my person lives, the second is where her parents live, and then the motorhome. The best part about any of these places means I know where my food is located and where to find the litter box, at any hour. I can't imagine anything worse than not knowing where those two very important objects are!

So, during the thing my person calls a weekend we went in the motorhome to the great big pond of water place. It's nice there as long as my person's sister doesn't bring her stupid dogs. Well, only one is stupid. Dixie hasn't yet figured out that when I scratch to draw blood, she should go away. Mojo learned his lesson well.

So, the weekend. I spent a great deal of time lounging in the lawn chair I claimed. I rolled in the dirt, which did not make my person's mother too happy. She has a thing about dirty paws on the furniture. And my Tylor caught me a hopping bug to play with. When it stooped, I got bored. Then he found me a crawly bug. That one eventually flew away. I guess he didn't want to play anymore.

Welcome to My Life as a Cat!

Hi all you cat-lovers. You see, that's what I am. My name is Kit. I'm seven years old, and I live in Oregon with my person. I know what some people say, cats don't have people, they have staff, but that's just so bourgeoisie. Besides, she's a pretty good person to live with.