Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Isn't it Pretty?

When my person came home yesterday afternoon, the tree was all lit up. You see, I figured out how to turn it on. There's this long wire hanging off the tree, and well, I like wires; so I grabbed on and pulled and the lights came on.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Friend or Foe?

I'm an only cat. My person says it's because she's not sure how well I'd enjoy having another full-time roommate. The truth is I'm not sure if I'd enjoy having another cat around 24/7. I don't get to spend much time with other cats.

This evening I was minding my own business, watching the world go by out the sliding glass door. My person wondered what was so fascinating. It was another cat, right there on the other side of the screen. We watched each other for quite a while, this cat and I. It was obviously hungry, so my person gave it some of my food, but she didn't even ask if I'd mind!. Just because I can't open the bag, doesn't mean I don't care.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I guess I get them too. Although, since I'm a cat, and a very indulged one, I'm always on vacation. It's kind of like how my person's parents are retired.

So, for the last couple weeks I've been hanging out with my person's parents. I get to hang out in the yard. I really like "my" white lilac tree. And it's the best when it blooms. And there are trees to climb. I also really like to roll in the garden when the dirt is nice and soft.

Part of our vacation was spent at the lake. I like it there. It's so quiet and I can lay on the step of the motorhome or in a lawn chair. The only annoyance was Boo, this dog camped next to us. She would come over and try to visit. But I'm not really fond of dogs.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Nemesis

My person has this thing. It's boxy, and makes clicking sounds when she taps it with her fingers. I hate it. When it's on her lap, I can't be. And she doesn't like it when I walk across it, or try to lay on it. Right now, she's tapping, and she keeps pushing my paws out of the way. I don't understand why she finds it so fascinating. It doesn't do anything. No purring, no kneading, and it never gets fed. Oh, and my person really hates it when I chew on it's tail.