Monday, November 19, 2007

I hate to travel

So, I'm hiding under the dining room table as this is being typed. I was correct in thinking that I would be going somewhere. My person went to work one day her parents scooped me up into my carrier and brought me to their house. It's a nice house, and I like being here since my person's mom lets me outside. But I miss my person when we're apart.

My person arrived here tonight and maybe I have to go home now. That's why I'm hiding. I really don't like my crate.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Going Somewhere? - My fears

The parents of my person arrived today for a visit. I don't know how long they're going to stay, but any time they arrive with luggage I feel the need to make myself scarce for awhile. Today I chose to hide under the bed for a couple hours. My person keeps making noises about me going home with them. I'm going to have to find a better hiding spot on the day they leave.