Thursday, September 27, 2007

Crime Against Cats

Since I'm a black cat, and my person is naturally distrustful of people, I'm usually an indoor cat. This doesn't always make me happy. I'd rather be outside in the sunshine. But after the horrible story I heard today, I'm glad my person is so protective.

My person had a cousin, Kelly, who lets his cat, Buddy, outside. Last week Kelly went away for a night and Buddy went outside. Kelly has roommate, so it's not like Buddy was locked out with no place to go. Anyway, when Kelly got home he couldn't find Buddy. Buddy finally showed up covered in red spray paint! It must take a really horrible person to do something so hideous.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Some Cats are so Unfriendly

I went outside today with my person and her mother to do what I like to do: eat grass and roll in the dirt. And I came across this other cat laying in one of my favorite spots. I thought I'd go over and say "hello". That was a mistake. All I got for my trouble was a very indignant hiss. Fine, be that way.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Rolling in the Dirt

I love to roll in the dirt. I look for good patches of the stuff at every opportunity. It's been a really good experience if my white paws are no longer so pristine. Today I found a good patch right off the edge of the deck and my paws were very brown when I finished.